Another campaign of Oranżada Hellena Party with Viki Gabor and Roxie Węgiel

Party meetings taste best when accompanied by Oranżada Hellena Party, which is ideal for birthdays, house parties, picnics or any other celebrations. This is confirmed by the stars of the young generation, Viki Gabor and Roxie Węgiel, appearing in the next edition of the product campaign. The teenagers list the various occasions to consume this fizzy beverage with its distinctive hard candy flavour. The spots with their participation are scheduled to be broadcast on the most popular TV stations. The product will also be promoted on social media, including Viki Gabor’s instagram profile.
Oranżada Hellena Party as a year-round product has strong, unlimited support at points of sale. In-store purchases are encouraged by special displays, including stands, so called “people stoppers”, which allow you to take a photo with your favourite star, as well as POSM materials, attracting the attention of not only the youngest and teenage consumers.
For the fans of the brand a contest #Letnie Party! (Summer Party) was prepared, in which the best party photos with Oranżada Hellena Party will win unique prizes, including a meeting with Viki Gabor. It will run in June on oranzadahellena’s profile on Instagram.